Saturday, February 22, 2020

Fine and Gross Motor Skills Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fine and Gross Motor Skills - Research Paper Example Childcare means ensuring that the environment the baby is growing up in is safe and healthy enough for the child and this is the work of parents, guardians, grandparents and other relatives, babysitters or even nanny, licensed child care centers as well as older siblings. Even when the parents are working and have to leave the child with other people who are capable, they should still ensure that the environment is safe and healthy for the children and communicate the same to those taking care of the children. What should be considered before leaving the child with just anyone is the interaction of that person with the baby, the cleanliness and safety of the environment, activities the child can participate in, the food and beverages being provided and whether they are healthy enough as well as how the person engages in activities with the children. If the staff or individual does not look happy to interact, then the child will not have enough development with that person.  What so me parents do not realize when it comes to reading to children is that it is never too early to do so. The earlier the reading and frequency the more the baby starts learning vocabulary as well as getting their brain cells stimulated to grow. The baby also starts getting and strengthening listening skills as well as gaining memory skills. Reading also promotes bonding with the child with the soothing sounds of a parent’s voice. The baby also starts getting awareness of the world in addition to beginning a reading culture in them. Different age groups have different reading books as well as capacity they can understand. Their concentration span increases with age and hence only a few pages should be read at a time and increase as the child develops. The presence of animals and drawings in a baby’s book helps in learning while encouraging them to repeat as you read along with them builds their confidence and reading skills as they grow up and start pre-school.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ethical Theories identified in (bazerman) and the Essay

Ethical Theories identified in (bazerman) and the - Essay Example The Johnson clearly adores teaching, and his work was intended to give learners and educators a wide-ranging overview of issues in ethics and leadership. The metaphor his book adopts, light and dark, claims the point that followership and leadership can be either toxic or beneficial. In the contemporary world, leaders can seriously be unethical. Examples of such unethical practices range from the American legislators who fiddled their own expenses to the ‘Masters of Universe’ whose monetary creativity almost led to the downfall of banking system but still got rewarded with huge bonuses (Johnson, 2015). However, this unethical behaviour is offset by few remarkable leaders who, in his own words, â€Å"brighten lives of people around them†. Johnson further gives an inspiring instance of this ethical leadership by citing the effort of Dr P. Farmer, who founded Partners in Health – an organization with a mission to combat drug-resistant tuberculosis within priso ns walls and around the globe. According to Johnson (2015), we see analogy of villains and heroes when conversing how leaders try to affect change. Johnson asserts that the power which comes with being a leader may also be utilized for evil and good. When we undertake the merits of leadership, we assume ethical burdens at the same time. In making ethical choices, the leader attempts to cast more â€Å"light† not â€Å"shadow.† Even though a graphic and unfriendly comparison, envision of Hitler and Ghandi. If one subscribes to outmoded definitions like influencing persons toward accomplishment of common goals, both Hitler and Ghandi were leaders though their ethics were dissimilar. For many ages, corporate America has always been stained by unethical decision and disreputable behaviour. For instance, one can remember false advertising by Jenny Craig and Nutri-System, fraud and unlawful cash