Thursday, August 27, 2020

Geography and History of Costa Rica

Geology and History of Costa Rica Populace: 4.906 million (July 2017 estimate)Capital: San Josà ©Area: 19,730 square miles (51,100 sq km)Bordering nations: Nicaragua and PanamaCoastline: 802 miles (1,290 km)Highest point: Cerro Chirripo at 12,500 feet (3,810 m) Costa Rica, authoritatively called the Republic of Costa Rica, is situated on the Central American isthmus among Nicaragua and Panama. Since it is on an isthmus, Costa Rica additionally has coastlines along the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. The nation includes various rainforests and a plenty of vegetation which make it a well known goal for the travel industry and ecotourism. History Costa Rica was first investigated by Europeans starting in 1502 with Christopher Columbus. Columbus named the locale Costa Rica, which means rich coast, as he and different voyagers wanted to discover gold and silver in the zone. European settlement started in Costa Rica in 1522 and from the 1570s until the 1800s it was a Spanish state. In 1821, Costa Rica then joined other Spanish provinces in the locale and made a presentation of freedom from Spain. Presently, the recently autonomous Costa Rica and other previous provinces framed a Central American Federation. Be that as it may, collaboration between the nations was fleeting and fringe debates as often as possible happened in the mid-1800s. Because of these contentions, the Central American Federation in the end crumbled and in 1838, Costa Rica pronounced itself as a completely autonomous state. In the wake of proclaiming its freedom, Costa Rica experienced a time of stable majority rule government starting in 1899. In that year, the nation encountered its first free decisions which have proceeded until today in spite of two issues in the mid 1900s and in 1948. From 1917-1918, Costa Rica was under the authoritarian guideline of Federico Tinoco and in 1948, the presidential political decision was questioned and Jose Figueres drove a regular citizen uprising which prompted a 44-day common war. Costa Ricas common war caused the passings of in excess of 2,000 individuals and was one of the most rough occasions in the countrys history. Following the finish of the common war however, a constitution was composed which announced that the nation would have free races and all inclusive testimonial. Costa Ricas first political decision following the common war was in 1953 and was won by Figueres. Today, Costa Rica is known as one of the most steady and monetarily effective Latin American nations. Government Costa Rica is a republic with a solitary administrative body comprised of its Legislative Assembly whose individuals are chosen by famous vote. The legal part of government in Costa Rica is involved uniquely of a Supreme Court. Costa Ricas official branch has a head of state and head of government - the two of which are filled by the president who is chosen by famous vote. Costa Rica experienced its latest political decision in February 2010. Laura Chinchilla won the political race and turned into the countrys first female president. Financial matters and Land Use Costa Rica is viewed as one of the most financially prosperous nations in Central America and a significant piece of its economy originates from its rural fares. Costa Rica is a notable espresso creating locale and pineapples, bananas, sugar, hamburger, and fancy plants likewise add to its economy. The nation is likewise developing mechanically and produces merchandise, for example, clinical gear, materials and dress, development materials, compost, plastic items, and high-esteem products, for example, microchips. Ecotourism and the related help area is likewise a critical piece of Costa Ricas economy on the grounds that the nation is exceptionally biodiverse. Topography, Climate, and Biodiversity Costa Rica has a differed geology with seaside fields that are isolated by volcanic mountain ranges. There are three mountain ranges running all through the nation. The first of these is the Cordillera de Guanacaste and rushes to the Cordillera Central from the northern fringe with Nicaragua. The Cordillera Central runs between the focal piece of the nation and the southern Cordillera de Talamanca which limits the Meseta (Central Valley) close San Josã ©. The greater part of Costa Ricas espresso is delivered in this area. The atmosphere of Costa Rica is tropical and has a wet season that keeps going from May to November. San Jose, which is situated in Costa Ricas Central Valley, has a normal July high temperature of 82 °F (28 °C) and a normal January low of 59 °F (15 °C). The waterfront swamps of Costa Rica are amazingly biodiverse and highlight various kinds of plants and untamed life. The two coasts highlight mangrove swamps and the Gulf of Mexico side is intensely forested with tropical rainforests. Costa Rica additionally has a few enormous national parks to secure its plenty of verdure. A portion of these parks incorporate the Corcovado National Park (home to huge felines, for example, pumas and littler creatures like Costa Rican monkeys), Tortuguero National Park and Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. More Facts Costa Ricas official dialects are English and Creole Life anticipation in Costa Rica is 76.8 years Costa Ricas ethnic breakdown is 94% European and blended local European, 3% African, 1% local and 1% Chinese References Focal Intelligence Agency. (2010, April 22). CIA - The World Factbook - Costa Rica. Recovered from: (n.d.) Costa Rica: History, Geography, Government, and Culture - Recovered from: States Department of State. (2010, February). Costa Rica (02/10). Recovered from:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Law of nature Essay

There are a few books that manage philosophical inquiries of freedom, social limitations, quest for property and opportunity versus oppression. I have chosen six identified with these subjects to be investigated and firmly broke down to comprehend those topics better. The second treatise of Government by John Locke has been since the time its first distribution in 1689 a compelling wellspring of political and social understanding. The USA constitution depends on the standards and subjects John Locke manages in this magnum opus of philosophical thinking. His principle contention in the book is that the sway is in the hands of the individuals and that the legislature is in their administration. Locke underscored the significance of staying alert as individuals of our regular and essential rights yet that we have needed to give up specific parts of this human opportunity to have the option to exist together calmly inside a general public controlled by laws built up to keep up the request. Individuals are consequently initially blessed with certain basic rights in a condition of nature where opportunity exists without laws or rules to withstand to. This law of nature does subsequently not expect individuals to comply with one another yet rather individuals are liberated to act naturally. The condition of nature is characterized by Locke himself as: â€Å"To appropriately comprehend political force and follow its causes, we should consider the express that all individuals are in normally. That is a condition of ideal opportunity of acting and discarding their own belongings and people as they might suspect fit inside the limits of the law of nature. Individuals in this state don't need to request that consent demonstration or rely upon the desire of others to mastermind matters for their benefit. The normal state is likewise one of fairness in which all force and purview is proportional and nobody has more than another. † Locke manages the subject of common society in this book and how we can politically exist together as individuals. To comprehend the valid and best type of a common society we have to grasp the principal right we are brought into the world with as people which is basically opportunity in its total sense. Mulling over this we have likewise to recognize the full implications this carries alongside it for everyone in spite of shading, ethnicity, religion or race. Since all individuals are brought into the world with this correct then it follows that all individuals are rise to and have the right to live in a framework that makes sure about this equity and opportunity of quest for one’s dreams. Locke’s second principle contention is the manner by which governments should just standard with the assent of the individuals and that any administration that doesn't becomes accordingly ill-conceived and has the right to be toppled by the individuals through their entitlement to transformation. He likewise manages the topics of victory and bondage, property and delegate government. Property for example lead to the formation of the common society as men tried to ensure his property through the law. Individuals traded a portion of their common rights so as to accomplish this type of common society where they could exist together calmly with others in a protected and secure climate. The agent government then again is possibly authentic in the event that it is recognized by the individuals and serves the requirements of the individuals. It is like this that Locke built up the standard that administrations ought to be there for the administration of the individuals instead of the other way around. Locke’s thoughts regarding subjugation then again are that it is basically a type of automatic bondage and the main way subjection could be defended as a framework that conflicts with the request for the common state is through the nonattendance of the condition of nature and the nearness of the contrary which is the condition of war during which exemptions were permitted. The conversation of servitude drives us to another significant work worried about the subject: The Life of Olaudah Equiano which is a self-portraying work that was first distributed in the eighteenth century and describes the account of subjugation and its revulsions. The narrative of his subjugation, gained opportunity and quest for fill in as a sailor and vendor is an interesting story of progress ahead and assurance at making progress, in spite of the hardships experienced en route, so as to acquire the regular right of opportunity back. Olaudah, similar to Locke, was a warrior for a reason. Locke’s book upset the thoughts regarding government and formed the USA constitution the manner in which we know it now. His safeguard of the privileges of the human keeps on impacting the talk on majority rules system, human rights and legislative issues. Olaudah’s excursion and battle for opportunity has additionally left enormous effect in the writing of subjection and he likewise helped during the time spent abrogating servitude later on. Those two noticeable men had a social vision of what a general public should resemble and battled to accomplish it. The book begins with the relate of Olaudah’s individual life before subjugation when he used to live in an African area called Assaka. He was captured and constrained into slavery(something that upholds Locke’s feeling about the constrained status of servitude as a foundation) at ten years old and shipped to the New World or to be progressively explicit the ranches of Virginia. He was bought by a lieutenant in the Navy called Michael Pascal who named him Gustavus Vassa, a name he additionally came to be known by. His life as a slave was a proceeds with battle and languishing. He was unable to endure the possibility of hardship of his privilege of opportunity and decided to revolt through denying the new name his proprietor gave him which lead to his discipline as though he was a negligible canine whose activity was to obey without hesitance. Being denied of his opportunity decreases the person into a creature. The life of the slave was extremely hard as per the diaries of Olaudah. He was later sold in the Caribbean and obtained by a Philadelphian Quaker who showed him how to peruse and compose better and taught him in the Christian confidence. He permitted him to exchange to win the cash required to purchase his opportunity as youngster in his twenties and ventured out to England where he battled for the reason for servitude cancelation. Olaudah saw in his book how slaves were treated as cruel subjects without any sentiments. It was as though the bosses believed them to be an alternate specie or an outsider animal. Our third book or novel is worried about an animal that shows those trademark: Frankenstein. Frankenstein by the writer Mary Shelley alludes to the researchers inside the book Victor Frankenstein who realizes how to make life and chooses to make an animal that resembles man yet with all the more remarkable attributes. The epic is comprised of the correspondence between the Captain Robert Walton and his sister. Walton happens to think about Frankenstein’s animal and describes the story to his sister in his letters. The story begins with Walton venturing out toward the North Pole where he will be caught by an ocean of gigantic ice rocks. This is the way Walton meets Victor Frankenstein and this is likewise how he comes to think about the beast Victor had made. Victor is himself unnerved by what he has made and flees in this way permitting the beast to be discharged. The grieved researcher feels debilitated with blame and his discouraged state possibly compounds when he finds out about the homicide of his sibling. Apparently the beast was who killed his sibling and this was clarified by the beast himself as an endeavor at delivering retribution of Victor who had treated him with repulsiveness and disturb. He asks Victor for a buddy since he can't stand the forlornness. Victor decides to oblige however later on thinks twice about it and decimates his second creation to which the beast promises retribution that he before long satisfies through killing one of his companions. The beast figures out how to likewise kill his lady and Victor chooses to follow the beast which drove him to meet Walton and kicks the bucket a couple of days after the fact on. Walton closes his letters by relating that he was so amazed to discover the beast sobbing on his body in misery and depression. Things being what they are, the beast had emotions like some other individual and could be acceptable or fiendish like some other ordinary individual. In any case, Victor’s dread and partiality blinded him from seeing that. Something very similar occurred with the white proprietors of slaves in the period of Olaudah. They quit considering the to be as individuals and viewed them as unimportant properties to be dreaded and questioned in the event that they acted contrastingly the way Olaudah did through instructing himself. The dread of the obscure is a trait of the human mind yet what is additionally a typical viewpoint between the white and dark man and the beast of Frankenstein is the need of opportunity. Our fourth book is the Communist proclamation by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The principal distribution of the book occurred in 1848. Much the same as John Locke’s The Second Treatise of Government the Communist Manifesto is a compelling political original copy. The principle subject of the book is the class battle and the shortcomings of the entrepreneur framework. The Communist Manifesto is the thing that the socialist party reinforced the belief system of the Communist party. The Manifesto’s principle point was to make socialism increasingly comprehended by a bigger number of individuals since the gathering was dreaded and questioned by many. Karl Marx proceeds with then to check the contrasts between the middle class and working class since his fundamental center will be all through the paper on how the low class has been misled by the industrialist framework and average class. He states in the primary segment that: â€Å"The history of all up to this point existing society is the historical backdrop of class battles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, ruler and serf, organization ace and understudy, in a word, oppressor and persecuted, remained in consistent resistance to each other, carried on a continuous, presently covered up, presently open battle, a battle that each time finished, either in a progressive re-constitution of society everywhere, or in the regular destruction of the conte

Friday, August 21, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics - Not As Good As They Used To Be

Argumentative Essay Topics - Not As Good As They Used To BeArgumentative essay topics, such as those involving gender roles, are not new to the academic writing world. The question that is becoming more relevant is how to get your point across without coming across as being argumentative.This is one of the reasons why lengthy essays are not a good idea when you are attempting to write an argumentative essay. You need to make sure that you know what you are writing about and how it relates to your topic. There are many persuasive writers out there who can assist you in this area.You can certainly still come across as being argumentative when using argumentative essay topics. The first thing that you need to do is take a look at the person who is reading your paper. Once you have determined who they are and what they are interested in, then you can go about addressing the topic that they are interested in.This can help you to come across as someone who can relate to the topic that you are writing about. These types of arguments can be very enlightening for the reader. This is not to say that they should be used only in the more formal settings. In fact, you should try to be more conversational than argumentative when dealing with these topics.But you need to remember that there is more to writing an essay than just using these essay topics. You also need to make sure that you are engaging the reader and making them feel as though they are participating in the discussion. When you make them feel like they are part of the conversation, you are more likely to have their interest.The way that you engage the audience is by using non-verbal cues and eye contact. They need to know that you are in the room and that you are listening. They also need to feel that they can relate to the ideas that you are discussing.Using argumentative essay topics will help you to avoid coming across as argumentative in the academic writing world. It is also much easier to know how you wan t to proceed with a topic once you have researched it and have an idea of the type of reader that you are.Writing your essay topics is essential. You should try to keep them simple so that you are not overdoing it.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How Did Attila the Hun Die

The death of Attila the Hun was an important high point in the waning days of the Roman Empire and how he died is something of a  mystery. Attila ruled the rival Hunnite Empire between the years 434–453 CE, a time when the Roman Empire had ineffective leadership who were struggling to manage their far-flung territories. The combination of Attilas might and Romes troubles proved lethal: Attila was able to conquer many of Romes territories and, finally, Rome itself. Attila the Warrior As the military leader of a central Asian nomadic group called the Huns, Attila was able to bring together multiple tribes of warriors to create vast armies. His ferocious troops would sweep in, decimate whole cities, and claim the territory for their own. Within just ten years, Attila went from leading a group of nomadic tribesmen to leading the (short-lived) Hunnite Empire. At the time of his death in 453 CE, his empire stretched from central Asia across to modern-day France and the Danube Valley. While Attilas achievements were tremendous, his sons were unable to carry on in his footsteps. By 469 CE, the Hunnite Empire had broken apart. Attilas defeat of Roman cities was due in part to his ruthlessness, but also to his willingness to make and break treaties. When dealing with the Romans, Attila first forced concessions from the cities and then attacked them, leaving devastation behind him and taking prisoners as slaves. Attilas Death Sources differ on the exact circumstances of Attilas death, but it seems clear that he died on his wedding night. The primary source for information is the 6th century Gothic monk/historian Jordanes, who had complete access to the writings of the 5th century historian Priscus—only parts of which have survived. According to Jordanes, in 453 CE, Attila had just married his latest wife, a young woman named Ildico, and celebrated with great feasting. In the morning, the guards broke into his room and found him dead in his bed, his bride weeping over him. There was no wound, and it seemed as though Attila had hemorrhaged through his nose, and he choked on his own blood. At the time of his death and since, various scenarios for how Attilas death occurred have been put forward. It is possible that Attila was assassinated by his new wife in a conspiracy with Marcian, rival Emperor of the East, and then that murder was covered up by the guards. It is also possible that he died accidentally as a result of alcohol poisoning or esophageal hemorrhage. The most probable cause, as suggested by the historian Priscus of Panium, is a burst blood vessel—a result of decades of large amounts of alcohol. Burial Attila was buried in three coffins, one nested inside the other; the outer one was of iron, the middle one was of silver, and the inner one was of gold. According to legends of the time, when Attilas body was buried, those who buried him were killed so that his burial place would not be discovered. Though several recent reports have claimed to have discovered Attilas tomb, those claims have proven to be false. To date, no one knows where Attila the Hun is buried. One unverified story suggests that his followers diverted a river, buried Attila, and then allowed the river to return to its course. If that were the case, then Attila the Hun still lies safely buried under a river in Asia. Repercussions Once Attila died, reports Priscus, the men of the army cut their long hair and slashed their cheeks out of grief, so that the greatest of all warriors should be mourned not with tears or the wailing of women but rather with the blood of men. The death of Attila led to the collapse of the Hun Empire. Three of his sons fought among themselves, the army broke up into pieces supporting one or other of the sons, and as a result suffered severe losses. The Roman Empire was now freed from the threat of invasion by the Huns, but it wasnt enough to halt their own inevitable decay. Sources and Further Reading Babcock, Michael A. The Night Attila Died: Solving the Murder of Atilla the Hun. Berkley Books, 2005.  Ecsedy, Ildikà ³. The Oriental Background to the Hungarian Tradition About Attilas Tomb. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 36.1/3 (1982): 129–53. Print.Kelly, Christopher. The End of Empire: Attila the Hun the Fall of Rome. New York: W.W. North, 2006.  Man, John. Attila: The Barbarian King Who Challenged Rome. New York: St. Martins Press, 2005.Priscus of Panium. The Fragmentary History of Priscus: Attila, the Huns and the Roman Empire AD 430–476. Trans: Given, John. Merchantville NJ: Evolution Publishing, 2014.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Strategies to Handle a Disruptive Student

Teachers understand that the time they have with their students is limited. Good teachers maximize their instructional time and minimize distractions. They are experts at handling adversity. They deal with problems quickly and efficiently minimizing the disruptions.The most common distraction in a classroom is a disruptive student. This presents itself in many forms and a teacher must be adequately prepared to address every situation. They must react quickly and appropriately while maintaining the dignity of the student.Teachers should always have a plan or certain strategies they rely on to handle a disruptive student. It is important to realize that every situation will be different. A strategy that works well for one student may set another one off. Individualize the situation and make your decisions based on what you feel will minimize the distraction with that particular student the fastest. Prevention First Prevention is the best way to handle a disruptive student. The first few days of the school year are arguably the most important. They set the tone for the whole school year. Students are feeling out teachers. They will push to see exactly what they are allowed to get away with doing. It is important for teachers to establish those boundaries quickly. Doing so will help deter problems later on down the road. It is also important to start building rapport with your students immediately. Fostering a relationship based on trust with students can go a long way in disruption prevention simply out of mutual respect for one another. Stay Calm and Emotion Free A teacher should never yell at a student or tell a student to â€Å"shut up. While it may temporarily diffuse the situation, it will do more harm than good. Teachers must stay calm when addressing a disruptive student. In many cases, a student is trying to get the teacher to react foolishly. If you stay calm and keep your wits, it can diffuse the situation rather quickly. If you become combative and confrontational, it can escalate the situation making it a potentially dangerous situation. Getting emotional and taking it personally will only be detrimental and ultimately hurts your credibility as a teacher. Be Firm and Direct The worst thing a teacher can do is to ignore a situation that they hope will go away. Do not allow your students to get away with the little things. Immediately confront them about their behavior. Have them tell you what they are doing wrong, why it is a problem, and what the proper behavior is. Educate them on how their behavior impacts others. Students may resist structure early on, but they ultimately embrace it because they feel safe in a structured learning environment. Listen Carefully to Students Do not jump to conclusions. If a student has something to say, then listen to their side. Sometimes, there are things that led to the disruption that you may not have seen. Sometimes there are things going on outside of the classroom that led to the behavior. Sometimes their behavior may be a cry for help and listening to them may allow you to get them some help. Repeat their concerns to them so that they know you have been listening. It may not make a difference in how you handle the situation, but listening may build some trust or provide you with insights into other issues that are more important. Remove the Audience Never intentionally embarrass a student or call them out in front of their classmates. It will do more harm than it will good. Addressing a student individually in the hallway or after class will ultimately be more productive than addressing them in front of their peers. They will be more receptive to what you have to say. They are probably likely to be more open and honest with you. It is important to maintain the dignity of all of your students. No one wants to be called out in front of his or her peers. Doing so ultimately damages your credibility and undermines your authority as a teacher. Give Students Ownership Student ownership offers individual empowerment and potentially has the greatest impact on behavior change. It is easy for teachers to say it is my way or the highway, but allowing students to develop an autonomous plan for behavior correction may be more effective. Give them the opportunity for self-correction. Encourage them to establish individual goals, rewards for meeting those goals, and consequences when they do not. Have the student create and sign a contract detailing these things. Encourage the student to keep a copy in a place that they often see such as their locker, mirror, notebook, etc. Conduct a Parent Meeting Most parents expect their children to behave while they are at school. There are exceptions, but most will be cooperative and helpful in improving the situation. Teachers should have documentation detailing every issue and how it was addressed. You will likely see more positive results if you request that the student sit in on your meeting with their parents. This also prevents he/she said and the teacher said issues. Ask the parents for suggestions from their perspective on how to deal with these issues. They may be able to provide you with strategies that work for them at home. It is important to work together to create a potential solution. Create a Student Behavior Plan A student behavior plan is a written agreement between the student, their parents, and teachers. The plan outlines expected behaviors, provides incentives for behaving appropriately, and consequences for poor behavior. A behavior plan provides a direct plan of action for a teacher if the student continues to be disruptive. This contract should be specifically written to address the issues the teacher sees in class. The plan can also include outside resources for help such as counseling. The plan may be modified or revisited at any time. Get an Administrator Involved Good teachers are able to handle the majority of their own discipline issues. They rarely refer a student to an administrator. In some cases, it becomes a necessity. A student should be sent to the office when a teacher has exhausted every other avenue and/or a student has become such as distraction that it is detrimental to the learning environment. Sometimes, getting an administrator involved may be the only effective deterrent for poor student behavior.  They have a different set of options that may get a student’s attention and help correct the problem. Follow Up Following up can prevent recurrences in the future. If the student has corrected their behavior, then periodically tell them that you are proud of them. Encourage them to keep working hard. Even a little improvement should be recognized. If parents and administrators become involved then let them know how things are going from time to time as well. As a teacher, you are the one in the trenches seeing first hand what is going on. Providing positive updates and feedback can help ensure a good working relationship in the future.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Privacy And Security Privacy Vs. Security - 1503 Words

Privacy versus Security Privacy is something that is valuable, and gives trust to both sides. Everyone is endowed with some degree of privacy, right? The debate of the topic privacy versus security has been going on for a while. Most people believe privacy is more important, giving people the chance to be relaxed without anyone watching them, literally or figuratively speaking. Governments believe that security is more important, claiming it will help with terrorism and lower the crime rate. If we allow this to happen, then as an example, the government could monitor our phones conversations, what web sites we visit, the games or programs we download, even where we go throughout our day by tracking us on the GPS unit in our smartphones. Privacy is more important than security because students around the globe want to feel their governments, their employers, and their friends do not need to have cameras or GPS units monitor their every move. Governments asking for master keys for the products their citiz ens use does not instill a feeling of trust by the government in its citizens, it instills fear and resentment. Many european countries have positioned themselves in a way that allows them to monitor their citizens, dictate lifestyles to their citizens, control access to the internet, and manipulate what the media talks about or the positions that are supported. Much of this is done in the name of security for the greater good of all its citizens, and many of those sameShow MoreRelatedThe Security Vs. Privacy1537 Words   |  7 Pages1. At stake are two forces representing a critical dilemma of the post-2001 world: security vs. privacy. Fighting for security, the FBI is seeking â€Å"backdoor† access to the iPhone in question that was used by one of the two suspects in the San Bernardino shooting in December 2015. Defending privacy is Apple, Inc., designer and marketer of the Apple iPhone. The two suspects under investigation are linked with known terrorist groups, possibly ISIS, with definitive proof of these links locked away inRead MorePrivacy vs. Security961 Words   |  4 PagesPrivacy Versus Security The debate regarding the usage of street cameras in Lebanon has been going on since at least 2005. With the amount of violence and corruption that routinely takes place throughout Beirut and other surrounding areas, there are governmental proponents for the usage of such cameras in an attempt to deter future acts of violence. Prior to the middle of the last decade, however, Lebanon was not a place in which video recording in public places routinely took place. As such,Read MorePrivacy vs. Security Essay1261 Words   |  6 Pagesare in place now, it’s a constant struggle to balance security with privacy. Privacy laws should be revised completely in order to create a better happy medium between security and privacy. A common misconception of most is that a happy medium of privacy and security is impossible to achieve. However, as well-said by Daniel Solove, â€Å"Protecting privacy doesn’t need to mean scuttling a security measure. Most people concerned about the pr ivacy implications of government surveillance aren’t arguingRead MorePublic Security Vs. Privacy1288 Words   |  6 Pagescameras. Although January Mughal in her article â€Å"National Security Vs. Privacy In The Modern Age†(2016), insisted that surveillance is necessary to maintain the security of United States, but it is doubtful based on many research because the uses of government surveillance are inefficient, the surveillance cannot stop terrorist attacks, and the ethical issues of surveillance cannot be ignored. In the article, â€Å"National Security Vs. Privacy In The Modern Age†(2016), January Mughal proposed that althoughRead MoreEssay on Privacy vs. Security2616 Words   |  11 PagesPrivacy vs. Security Introduction Pictures seen in homes across America and throughout the world of American symbols in flames and crashing a quarter mile to the ground changed the world forever. The worlds last and only superpower had been attacked in a way only conceivable in a Hollywood script. However, the physical destruction that resulted was not necessarily the biggest loss that the United States faced. The emotional destruction of Americans could be considered much greater and canRead MoreIndividual Privacy vs National Security5833 Words   |  24 PagesIndividual Privacy VS National Security John Williams ENG 122: GSE 1244A Instructor: Ebony Gibson November 1, 2012 Individual Privacy VS National Security Introduction Since the terrorist attack of 9/11, America has been in a high level conflict with terrorist around the world, particularly the group known as Al Qaeda. There has been many discussions within the U.S. Congress about the measures of how to effectively combat this organization and their members, here and abroad. ConsequentlyRead MorePersonal Privacy Vs. National Security1348 Words   |  6 PagesPersonal Privacy vs. National Security An example of history repeating itself is the similarity of the sequence of events between the Palmer Raids and the NSA’s PRISM program. Both of these events in U.S. history started with Americans calling on the government for protection. The government then responded by creating programs to protect, but while working to protect the government in both events used illegal practices. These practices soon were leaked which caused americans to not support the government’sRead MoreIndividual Privacy vs. National Security1770 Words   |  8 PagesIndividual Privacy vs. National Security Individual Privacy vs. National Security is something that many people have argued for years. Many people have forgotten what a disturbance September 11, 2001 was to everyone in America. This was the day that 2,992 lives were stolen in the attacks by the Taliban on U.S. soil. Due to this attack the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) along with the Federal Government has put in place many new security regulations. Many people have lostRead MoreNational Security Vs. Personal Privacy1838 Words   |  8 Pages The topic of national security vs. personal privacy, in recent events, has been very controversial regarding which is more appropriate. On one hand, the government can search through personal, private files without any consent from the owner, thus making the information no longer private. The opposing side argues that the government is invading personal privacy of innocent civilians, violating the Fourth Amendment Rights to prohibit unreasonable searches and se izures. Both have valid points, bothRead MoreNational Security Vs. Digital Privacy1735 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica, the optimal solution thus far is enhancing security throughout the nation. By doing so, policies, procedures, and protocols would be amended for the sole purpose of protecting the country. Such alterations should be made because it prevents crime in a timely, reliable, and successful manner, whilst preserving the fundamental rights of all United States Citizens. In light of the controversy over national security versus digital privacy, the government should partake in international surveillance

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Heart Is A Lonely Hunter By Carson free essay sample

Mccullerss Essay, Research Paper The Heart is a Alone Hunter by Carson McCullers is a fresh set in a little Southern town in the late 1930 # 8217 ; s. McCullers writes about characters who are lonely and rejected. their lives intertwine in a hunt for friendly relationship and apprehension. Many of the characters have a demand to be understood, nevertheless ; none of them of all time genuinely are. One of the characters in the novel, Jake Blount, searches for a sympathetic ear. He appears in the New York Cafe rummy and rowdy speaking to everyone and no 1. He talks so much the # 8220 ; words came out of his pharynx like a cataract # 8221 ; ( 13 ) . He invariably talks to everyone trusting person will take the clip to truly listen and understand. His words come out # 8220 ; as though a dam interior him has broken # 8221 ; ( 20 ) . Ironically, the 1 he thinks understands him is a deaf-and-dumb person named John Singer. He tells Singer, # 8220 ; You # 8217 ; re the lone 1 in this town who catches what I mean. We will write a custom essay sample on Heart Is A Lonely Hunter By Carson or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . . because I know you understand the things I privation to intend # 8221 ; ( 59 ) . Jake Blount merely assumes Singer understands him. Singer neer gives him ground to believe otherwise. Nevertheless, Singer writes about Blount in a missive to Antonapoulos, # 8220 ; The 1 with the moustache I think is brainsick # 8221 ; ( 183 ) . He besides writes Antonapoulos that Blount thinks # 8220 ; he and I have a secret together but I do non cognize what it is # 8221 ; ( 183 ) . Jake Blount thinks Singer understands him when he really does non. Another character seeking for apprehension is Dr. Benedict Mady Copeland. Dr. Copeland is a black physician with thoughts that on one seems to understand regardless of how difficult he tries to do them grok. His girl, Portia, says that when she was a miss, he was # 8220 ; all the clip analyzing by hisself # 8221 ; ( 41 ) . Dr. Copeland is good educated and this separates him from the remainder of his household. They do non understand why he has ever felt the demand to educate them. At a Christmas party, Dr. Copeland negotiations to the invitees about Karl Marx and tungsten hat he stood for. When he asks if everyone understands, they reply that they do. This makes him inquire if they are replying this manner merely to delight him. He finally turns to Mr. Singer for understanding. Dr. Copeland thinks Mr. Singer is wise and understands # 8220 ; the strong true intent in a manner that other white work forces could non # 8221 ; ( 114 ) . Mr. Singer admits in a missive to Antonapoulos that he in fact does non understand. John Singer is another character who feels a demand for understanding. He is a deaf-and-dumb person that everyone else seems to turn to when they need to vent their feelings. Singer does non pass on frequently unless by pen. He normally watches what everyone else has to say. Singer is in demand of understanding merely every bit much as the other characters but has no 1 with whom he can portion his feelings. His deaf-and-dumb friend, Antonapoulos, seems to be the merely individual who he can truly # 8220 ; talk # 8221 ; to even though he does non rather grok everything Singer tells him. Singer and Antonapoulos have been friends for 10 old ages and although Antonapoulos does non try to pass on with Singer unless he is hungry or sleepy, Singer continues to state him everything that is on his head. Singer assumes an understanding in Antonapoulos. In his missive to Antonapoulos Singer tells him, # 8220 ; I do non understand, so I write it to you because I think you will understand # 8221 ; ( 184 ) . He besides tells Antonapoulos that he wants to see him because # 8220 ; I am non meant to be entirely and without you who understand # 8221 ; ( 185 ) . McCullers # 8217 ; characters have the demand to be understood. Most think they find understanding in Singer, a deaf-and-dumb person who truly understands nil. Singer thinks the merely one he can pass on with is Antonapoulos, his deaf-and-dumb friend who is normally interested in everything but what Singer has to state. Throughout the novel, these characters search for something to make full their feelings of solitariness and rejection but in the terminal neer find it.